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Video Streaming

  • Videostreaming per event
  • Own web TV
1TB Event
Embed codes
Embed codes

You can integrate your video for a direct or your demand video on any web page since a unique embed code is generated for each video that you upload to the platform, that code you just have to paste it on your web where you want it to be seen

Compatible with all
Compatible with all

During the development of our streaming platform we have made it very difficult for it to be easily compatible with any pc, mac, laptop or mobile devices and tables. We use rtmp + hls technology to do this.

WebTV Panel
WebTV Panel

Own development of our incredible webTV panel, constantly evolving and updating with dozens of functionalities that make it unique worldwide and without competition.

Price 1TB Event

Price Rate per period of 1TB Event




5% OFF

10% OFF

20% OFF

25% OFF

Main Characteristics

Features Direct (Emission Software)

Features On-demand (deferred)

Player Features


To add any of these extensions to your service, please contact support

Direct Equipment
Direct Equipment Consult
Video Space
Video Space 0.99/ GB
More Spectators
More Spectators By: 0.99/ user per month
External Signal
External Signal By: 14.99/month

Panel Plesk Obsidian

Sencillo, rápido y potente.

En todos nuestros servicios de hosting,vps y dedicados incluimos el panel de control Plesk opcional desde 5€/mes, un sistema que le hace sencillo la gestión de manera autónoma de sus dominios y servicios. Disponemos de vídeo manuales y ayuda en linea para hacerle más fácil su gestión.

Usuario: customer Contraseña: panel